Protecting Your Business Against Data Loss.

Aidbs Backup Solution

Data is the lifeblood of enterprises in the contemporary digital era. Data is a vital asset that must always be protected, from crucial financial records and customer information to proprietary software and intellectual property. In order to ensure business continuity…

How does browser fingerprinting work?

browser fingerprinting

Websites utilise a potent technique called “browser fingerprinting” to track your operating system, current plugins, time zone, language, screen resolution, and a number of other active settings. The add-ons you add to your Chrome browser can identify you because they…

Disk space error by vim

Disk Error

If you Getting DISK SPACE error while openig your file by Vim Editter. “There is not enough space in the file system.[Press return to continue]“and you know that you have space in your home directory, than simply use this commandin…

Convert Text to Html

Conver Text to HTMl

Convert your text file to html in Linux by Command line.text file to html. Create a file named txt2htmlwith the following contents Always start the output with an HTML header BEGIN    {print “<html>”print “<head>” use the name of the…

Modifies files date and times

Change Date and time

Changing the date & time of files.To Make a file look older.Use the touch -t option to change the timestamp of a file with a single command is: # touch -t ccyymmddhhMMSS filename You can manipulate the timings ofyour files using this…